Результаты (
русский) 3:
Мухтар Omarkhanuli Auezov (Kazakh: какую, а р т китайско - сокровище ұ М А р А н; какую, ұ Л е з о в Ә пришлось - сы, Мухтар Omarxanul чист, wezov (September, 28 июня, в 1897 - 27, 1961) was a Kazakh писатель, a social Блэр, а доктор of Philology, a professor and honored academic of the Soviet Union (1946) was born on September 28. он, 1897 in the old town of Semei in Kaskabulak, где он провел all his childhood.
Он вырос до under the наиболее influence of the poet Abai. его отца Omarkhan highly and вагон Auez как revered the poet, а сосед and friend of the family. его эпохи tales вагон was a storyteller of, and учили его grandson to read and write, Он также instilled within Мухтар a love of literature унижения Abai.[1]
Life and of, and the family
Auezov was born into a family from what is today "nomadic District, in East Kazakhstan вагон Province. его учили его to read and write. Auezov was потім образованными at the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary and Leningrad State University.
Auezov is best known for his plays. The first play Он authored was Enlik-Kebek,A story of two young lovers which но a great resemblance to Romeo and Juliet. он authored more than двадцать играет which dealt with issues relevant to Socialism inKazakhstan.
After writing играет, Auezov changed his focus to writing novels. два novels - "and The путь of" - как with the life of Kazakh poet "Qunanbayuli were the product of the last двадцать лет of his life.[2]
Auezov's other projects included into the drawing and literature для перевода этих правил Kazakh language. Some переводов made by him include Николай Gogol's The Government инспектор and Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew.
Mukhtar first studied in Kaskabulak, потом later a Muslim madrasa in Semipalatinsk. в age of одиннадцать Он оказался to a nearby, классические school. пять годМухтар was чрезвычайно diligent and Куэллер студент who was мной by classmates and teachers.
His отца Omarkhan умерла in 1900, and his мать Nurzhamal in 1912. The young Мухтар was вызывает by его дядя Kasymbek and his вагон Auez and grandmother Dinas. в 1907, after a year of study in the madrasa, Он был подарен sent to the school in Semipalatinsk.
российскойМухтар Auezov attended the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Seminary after детей from the City College. In the 1912-1913 academic year, Мухтар закончена seminary with an Award the first class, and Вэнворс on to complete his studies at the Semipalatinsk Seminary in this time Он прыгают 1919. began his acquaintance with российской and other foreign classics of literature.At the same время Auezov wrotes short stories, poems and articles that are began to be published.
"The young Auezov, according to the testimonies of the pedagogues, was marked for his impeccable внимания, extraordinary gifts, Худышка строить slef-belief. was an extraordinary and aristocratic он sportsman and represented" Yarysh F, C, which was at the time "the best футбол team in the city." [3]
Мухтар Auezov joined the faculty of a large state school, and Он также работал various проведение positions in the local government in Semipalatinsk with the Kazakh Executive Committee and in Central Orenburg.
In the летом 1917 году - ведь Auezov of a 15-year-old girl named had a daughter Raihan. вместе Они родился в 1918 who Они named Mugamilya (Она жил до 2009),And a year later in 1919 a son (who умерла in infancy). в 1920 Auezov divorced.
In 1928 Мухтар Auezov свой from the Philological факультет Leningrad State University of, and completed his доктор at the University of the в 1930 - е Tashkent. в ходе его fruitful activities as a professional писатель began to take off. он traveled around the world, meeting new photos exploring life.
, andМухтар during an operation Auezov умерла в москве on 27 June 1961. он was каждый отрывок, in the Central этой, Almaty on his Карлос там стоит? Роланд created by Евгений Vuchetich.
After his death in 1961, the Government of the Republic Kazakhstan decided to perpetuate the name of the writer. The Institute of Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences,Was renamed as the Auezov Institute of Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences, Kazakh State academic драма театра также но his name and a литературной memorial museum, is named after его as are a school, and an urban area in a street Almaty.
Auezov with his creativity Роуз to the highest level within Kazakh literature. его writings belong to different жанры,Он написал внутри essays, short stories (many translated into играет, and other languages), published many informative articles and lectured at universities.
In 1917 хотя Он was studying at seminary Он написал "Enilik-Kebek" a play based on народные legends. The "Enilik-Kebek" play and the story "Korgansyzdyn, which was written in kuni" 1921 demonstrated to the world his great talent as a writer.From 1923 Он began to посвящала all his energy to the литературной arts and to work productively. In the period authored stories such as "1923-1926 Он Okygan azamat", "Kyr suretteri", "Uilenu", "Eskilik kolenkesinde", "Kinamshil boizhetken", "Karaly.
During the period sulu" 1923 – 1928 года Он studied and Тогда свой University in the from Leningrad Faculty of Language and Literature.В ходе studis two years of his the last Leningrad (St. в Петербурге), он написал два highly acclaimed novels: "Karash-karash" and "Kokserek".
Auezov began to contemplate the themes of Kazakh history very deeply. его fixation with history is demonstrated in his works "Enilik-Kebek", "Хан Kene", "Kily zmaan", "Aiman - Sholpan", и "Karakypshak Kobylandy."For 20 лет он становится процветания промышленности себя to ее and играет, which становятся classics of Kazakh literature. In the thirties, он написал a series of stories, such as:" Kasennin kubylystary Izder "," "," "," Shatkalan Kum men Аскар "," Burtkiwi ", and играет как" Aiman-Sholpan "," Tas tilek "," "," Shekarada Tungi saryn ".
В 1936, он называется "published a piece of ее Tatiananyn kyrdagy Эни" in the Kazakh press "в ходе технической миссии в adebieti", that was раздел from the future novel of the same name. Some years after that (around 1940), with the cooperation of the "Леонид Соболев, он написал Abai", которые, scientist. The great and teacher, Auezov, работала в Kazakhs literature on the history of, and the training of personnel.He was the основатель of the Abai studies, and the principal author and editor of the multivolume "в ходе технической миссии в adebiet Tarihy". он также написал a monograph on the конной epic Manas.
After the Abai Joly epic, Он began writing a new, как говорится large-scale epic that a new era in the future. first book of that is его период называется "Osken orken was first published posthumously" and in 1962.А period of аромата of Kazakh драмы is связанных with the works of Auezov. он написал over двадцать играет, and translated such classic works of world and российской драмы as "The инспектор" by Gogol, Отелло and The Taming of the Shrew'by Шекспир, Aristocrats by Николай Pogodin, весна любовь by Константин Trenyov, and Officer of the флот by A. Kron.
In 1960,Together with a group of Soviet писателей, он посетил the USA. In the Саммер of 1960 Он started work on the series of essays named "The American Impressions". From mid-summer 1960, Он began work on the novel named "The Young племени". In March 1961,Auezov embarked on a visit to India that included participation in the work of the III International Congress for Peace in - Дели together with a теперь headed by Николай Tikhonov. In June of that same году - Он planned to visit Англии, the land of Шекспир, но его untimely death that his желаю так did not to travel to Англии occur. On June 3,в 1961 он travelled to Москве for medical tests. на 27 июня, 1961 – его сердце failed during a Саид operation.[4]
"Abai Zholy" (The Path of Abai) [edit]
The first 20 лет of life of M.Auezov resemble the childhood, adolescence and youth of his favorite poet and наиболее guide - Abai. Subsequently, in a famous epic, он, как говорится the same steppe, the same village,Social environment and the same as experienced by Abai.
In his formative years, Мухтар ночное to the memories of his вагон that сказал of Abai and Kunanbay. The диаграмму of Мухтар Auezov was linked by many дискуссии to the life of the great вдохновение, герой Abai of his family celebrations life. Abai себя graced, arranged for Auez to mark the birth of his grandson. Nurganym,One of the wives of Kunanbai отца of Abai, was the сестра of Auez.
Mukhtar later. Friends with the son of Abai Turagulom and ведь Камилла, granddaughter of the great poet, that is the daughter of Magauov. Auezov met Dilda, the first жена of Abai with кого Он received a great deal of information.More about Abai information was forthcoming from Eigerim another of Abai 's life partners who survived ее муж for more than a decade.
Mukhtar Omarhanuly for 15 лет написал его famous four volume epic historical novel называется "Abai Joly". это было translated intoRussian. в 1949 два books of the novel "Abai" received the first level award of the Union epic of Soviet ремонт Republics. это,Which ended with four books, was awarded prize. was translated into the имени 30 языков, and received from readers all over the reviews rave world.
"Abai Zholy" is one of the most Фицджеральд and начальник novels written by Мухтар Auezov. The first book of the series was published in 1942 and after пять лет in 1947 "Abai" the second of the series was published,Тогда came in the third книга называется "(1952 Abai ага", наконец, четвертый брат Abai). книга was released in 1956. позже all of the books were repackaged and renamed as "Abai zholy" (The путь of Abai). First книгу and second books each have 7 chapters epilogue. Third book and one has 6 chapters as has the Fourth and one epilogue.Epic is divided into 20 The этот короткий chapters each of which includes uniquely есть situations.
Each Глава III 's name Говард demonstrates the психологических state of the events within the story. если we compare there is много м
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