hen I first started in business, I thought I needed to pack my schedul перевод - hen I first started in business, I thought I needed to pack my schedul французский как сказать

hen I first started in business, I

hen I first started in business, I thought I needed to pack my schedule everyday to feel like I was truly working. Down time was just not acceptable to me, my thought process was the busier I was the more successful I must be. The problem comes in that I was so busy running around I really wasn't getting anything done.

Each day I would have my list of networking events to go to, my list of articles I wanted to read, committee meetings I needed to attend and so on. Busy busy busy was my motto. The problem was that when I sat down and actually wrote out all the time I spent running around and how much actual work I got done, I realized that I really wasn't doing anything. I was actually falling behind on returning client phone calls, I had this nice large stack of business cards from people I had met, yet I never managed to call them back.

What was I doing wrong? It finally came to me that I needed to look at each situation and ask myself three simple questions.

1.) Was this particular thing getting me business? Could I attribute business coming from what I was doing? Did I meet someone who bought my services, or referred me to someone who would buy my services.

2.) Was I receiving some kind of knowledge from what I was involved in? Perhaps I was attending meetings that has an educational component. I could walk away with a nugget of knowledge.

3.) Was I meeting people who I would become friends with? I am not talking superficial friendships. But people who I could call on for advice, for a referral. People whom I knew would be apart of my life for the long term.

When looking at the events, meetings, programs, you attend on a daily basis, ask yourself these questions. While ideally you will get all three from what you are doing, this wont always happen. You need to at least get one of them. If you are not you need to reevaluate if your time is being best served with what you are doing. Perhaps you feel sentimental about this group, ok but if you have four or five groups like that, is this the best use of your time? You may want to consider letting someone else I would have my list of networking events to go to, my list of articles I wanted to read, committee meetings I needed to attend and so on. Busy busy busy was my motto. The problem was that when I sat down and actually wrote out all the time I spent running around and how much actual work I got done, I realized that I really wasn't doing anything. I was actually falling behind on returning client phone calls, I had this nice large stack of business cards from people I had met, yet I attend these meetings on your behalf.

Look at your schedule and see if you have set aside time to wok on your business. This is time that you return client phone calls, perhaps solicit new clients. This would be a set time each week that you do not attend meetings, you just spend in the office catching up on work. By setting aside time to do this, you will not become overwhelmed with all that you have to do. All to often we push these items to the next day and before we know it a week has gone by. People often want their question answered today not next week. My husband had a sign created that says, "If I wanted it tomorrow, I would order it tomorrow".

Make time in your schedule to finish up tasks in a timely manner by clearing out some of the unnecessary meetings, and tasks you don't need to be doing. Remember you can run on a treadmill for an hour, while this is great exercise, you didn't really go anywhere.
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Результаты (французский) 1: [копия]
hen I first started in business, I thought I needed to pack my schedule everyday to feel like I was truly working. Down time was just not acceptable to me, my thought process was the busier I was the more successful I must be. The problem comes in that I was so busy running around I really wasn't getting anything done.Each day I would have my list of networking events to go to, my list of articles I wanted to read, committee meetings I needed to attend and so on. Busy busy busy was my motto. The problem was that when I sat down and actually wrote out all the time I spent running around and how much actual work I got done, I realized that I really wasn't doing anything. I was actually falling behind on returning client phone calls, I had this nice large stack of business cards from people I had met, yet I never managed to call them back.What was I doing wrong? It finally came to me that I needed to look at each situation and ask myself three simple questions.1.) Was this particular thing getting me business? Could I attribute business coming from what I was doing? Did I meet someone who bought my services, or referred me to someone who would buy my services.2.) Was I receiving some kind of knowledge from what I was involved in? Perhaps I was attending meetings that has an educational component. I could walk away with a nugget of knowledge.3.) Was I meeting people who I would become friends with? I am not talking superficial friendships. But people who I could call on for advice, for a referral. People whom I knew would be apart of my life for the long term.When looking at the events, meetings, programs, you attend on a daily basis, ask yourself these questions. While ideally you will get all three from what you are doing, this wont always happen. You need to at least get one of them. If you are not you need to reevaluate if your time is being best served with what you are doing. Perhaps you feel sentimental about this group, ok but if you have four or five groups like that, is this the best use of your time? You may want to consider letting someone else I would have my list of networking events to go to, my list of articles I wanted to read, committee meetings I needed to attend and so on. Busy busy busy was my motto. The problem was that when I sat down and actually wrote out all the time I spent running around and how much actual work I got done, I realized that I really wasn't doing anything. I was actually falling behind on returning client phone calls, I had this nice large stack of business cards from people I had met, yet I attend these meetings on your behalf.Look at your schedule and see if you have set aside time to wok on your business. This is time that you return client phone calls, perhaps solicit new clients. This would be a set time each week that you do not attend meetings, you just spend in the office catching up on work. By setting aside time to do this, you will not become overwhelmed with all that you have to do. All to often we push these items to the next day and before we know it a week has gone by. People often want their question answered today not next week. My husband had a sign created that says, "If I wanted it tomorrow, I would order it tomorrow".Make time in your schedule to finish up tasks in a timely manner by clearing out some of the unnecessary meetings, and tasks you don't need to be doing. Remember you can run on a treadmill for an hour, while this is great exercise, you didn't really go anywhere.
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Результаты (французский) 2:[копия]
poule mes débuts dans les affaires, je pensais que je devais emballer mon horaire tous les jours de se sentir comme si je travaille vraiment. Les temps d'arrêt était tout simplement pas acceptable pour moi, mon processus de pensée a été le plus occupé que je suis le plus de succès que je dois être. Le problème Livré dans Que je étais tellement occupé à courir autour, je suis vraiment pas faire quoi que ce. Chaque jour aurais-je ma Liste des activités de réseautage pour aller, je voulais ma liste d'articles à lire, je nécessaire pour assister aux réunions Comité et ainsi de suite . Occupé occupé occupé était ma devise. Le problème est que lorsque je me suis assis et ai écrit tout le temps que je passais courir et combien réelle travail, je me suis fait, je me rendis compte que je vraiment ne faisais rien. Je étais en fait la traîne dans le retour des appels client téléphonique, je eu cette belle et grande pile de cartes de visite de gens que je avais rencontré, mais je suis parvenu à les appeler jamais en arrière. Qu'est-ce que je fais mal? Il est finalement venu à moi que je devais regarder chaque situation et me poser trois questions simples. 1.) trouvé ce particulière Thing obtenir Me entreprise? Pourrais-je attribut venant d'affaires ce que je faisais? ai-je rencontré quelqu'un qui a acheté mes services, ou à quelqu'un qui m'a renvoyé voudrais acheter mes services. 2.) Je recevais une sorte de connaissance de ce que je suis impliqué dans? Peut-être je suis assister à des réunions qui a un volet éducatif. Je pourrais repartir avec une pépite de la Connaissance. 3.) Étais-je rencontrer des gens qui je voudrais Directeur Général Amis avec? Je ne parle pas des amitiés superficielles. Mais les gens qui je pourrais appeler pour obtenir des conseils, pour un renvoi. Les gens que je connaissais dehors de ma vie serait pour le long terme. Lorsque l'on regarde les événements, réunions, programmes, vous assistez sur une base quotidienne, posez-vous ces questions. Bien que, idéalement, vous obtiendrez tous trois de ce que vous faites, cette habitude de toujours le cas. Vous avez besoin d'obtenir au moins l'un d'eux. Si vous n'êtes pas, vous devez réévaluer si votre temps est étant mieux servis avec ce que vous faites. Peut-être que vous vous sentez sentimentale sur ce groupe, ok, mais si vous avez quatre ou cinq groupes de ce genre, est-ce le meilleur usage de votre temps? Vous voudrez peut-être envisager de laisser quelqu'un d'autre je avoir mon liste des événements de réseautage pour aller à ma liste des articles que je voulais lire, les réunions du comité, je nécessaires pour assister et ainsi de suite. Occupé occupé occupé était ma devise. Le problème est que lorsque je me suis assis et a effectivement écrit tout le temps que je passé courir et combien de travail réelle, je me suis fait, je me rendis compte que je vraiment ne faisais rien. En fait, je traîne dans le retourner les appels téléphoniques des clients, je devais cette belle grande pile de cartes de visite de gens que je l'avais rencontré, encore CES je assister à des réunions en votre nom. Regardez votre calendrier et voir si vous avez mis de côté le temps de wok à votre entreprise. Cela prend du temps vous revenez client Téléphone appels qui, solliciter Peut-être de nouveaux clients. Ce serait un moment fixe chaque semaine vous ne participent pas aux réunions, vous venez de passer dans le bureau de rattrapage sur le travail. En mettant de côté le temps de faire cela, vous ne serez pas devenir dépassés par tout ce que vous avez à faire. Tous souvent nous pousser ces éléments pour le jour suivant et Nous savons avant qu'il ait une semaine passée. Souvent, les gens veulent pas que leur question répondra aujourd'hui à la semaine prochaine. Mon mari avait qui a créé un signe dit: «Si je voulais demain, je Commandez-le demain." prendre le temps dans votre horaire pour terminer les tâches en temps opportun en dégageant certaines des réunions inutiles, et les tâches que vous ne devez pas faire. Rappelez-vous que vous pouvez exécuter sur un tapis roulant pendant une heure, tout ce qui est excellent exercice, vous avez pas vraiment aller n'importe où.

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Результаты (французский) 3:[копия]
Poule I First started in Business, I thought I needed to Pack mon programme Everyday to me like I was down time was just maintenant Working. Not acceptable to me, my Thought process was the busier I was the more successful I must be the problem comes in that I was so busy running around I really pas Getting rien fait.

each day I would have my List of Networking Events to go to,My List of articles I - to read, Committee meetings I needed to attend and so on. Occupé occupé occupé was my motto. The problem was that when I sat down and actually wrote out all the time I spent running around and how much actual work I got done, I interdit lorsque that I really n'était pas t Doing anything I was actually Falling behind on Returning client phone calls,I had this gentil grand stack of Business cards from people I had met, yet I never managed to call them back.

what was I doing Wrong? C'est enfin venu to me that I needed to look at each situation and ask me tape trois simples questions.

1.) was this particular thing Getting on Business? Could I attribute Business coming from what I was doing? - I meet someone who sont mes services,Or referred me to someone who would buy my services.

2) was I Receiving some kind of Knowledge from what I was involved in? Peut - être I was attending meetings that has an Educational component. I could ouais with a Nugget of Knowledge.

3.) was I meeting people who I would become friends with? I am not Superficial Friendships bien. Mais people who I could call on for advice,For a le renvoi en commission. People whom I était would be apart of my life for the long term.

when looking at the events, meetings, Programs, vous attend on a Daily basis, ask vous these questions. While ideally tu will get all three from what you are doing, ce ne sera pas toujours. You need to at least get one of them.Si tu are not vous need to reevaluate If your time is being Best served with what you are doing. Peut - être tu sens les about this Group, OK, mais si vous avez quatre ou cinq groups like that, is this the best use of your time? You may veux to consider laisser quelqu'un d'autre I would have my List of Networking Events to go to, my List of articles I - to read,
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